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Social Club


Lords Social Club is an initiative by the Lords Ecell. It was envisioned as a common platform for the students and youth to come forward and join hands, in reforming and rebuilding our society. The youth of this country has a tremendous potential, primarily due to its sheer size. We strive to mobilize them in order to make them understand their responsibilities towards the society and inspire them to take up social work, which will lead to a better tomorrow.



Our major objectives: 


​The prime objective of the Lords Social Club is to create an impact in the society through several initiatives which can be focused around domain like education, entrepreneurship, sustainable livelihood, govt. help and support and creating employment.


  • To support and help the unprivileged children and the community as a whole.

  • To educate them through various workshops, guest lecture sessions, community building activities.

  • To provide, help and facilitate govt help and funds available for such groups and communities.

  • To get them connected to the industries and the main stream society to make them self sustainable.

  • To collaborate with NGOs, self help group and social entrepreneurs and innovators and work for the betterment of the underprivileged.  




The Impact


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Micro Enterprises Supported


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Communities Supported



Individuals Impacted


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Individuals  Trained



States Spread Over

One of the huge mistakes people make is that they try to force an interest on themselves. You don't choose your passions; your passions choose you.     Jeff Bezos

Our Partners & Collaborators

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the Courageous 

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We Need You To Create An Impact!

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